Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008

The friend,ship progam of JICA

JICA Indonesia Office

JICA Makassar Field Office (MFO)



The development policies implemented so far in Indonesia have succeeded in achieving impressive economic growth accompanied by improvement of the life and welfare of the people. However, their impacts are varied from region to region. Regional disparities are still apparent, especially between the Eastern and the Western Indonesia.

Developing the Eastern Indonesia region has always been a major concern, which has been set out in series of national development programs, both in the past and the present.

In order to address this regional disparity and to assist the development in Eastern Indonesia, JICA is formulating 2 new programs focusing on the poverty alleviation through regional development in North-Eastern Indonesia as well as in South Sulawesi Province as the center of the region.

In order to formulate and manage the 2 programs, the JICA Makassar Field Office (MFO) was opened on December 1, 2005 and commenced officially in April 2006.

Hotel Sahid Jaya Makassar, 2nd Floor
Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi No.33
Makassar, South Sulawesi 90132
Tel: 62-411-876357, Fax: 62-411-876359 JICA NGO Desk


Since it was established last May 8, 2003, the JICA NGO Desk has served as JICA Indonesia's information center for NGO collaboration activities, as facilitator of cooperation between Indonesian and Japanese NGOs, and as a means to utilize JICA's alumni associations’ (Youth Friendship Program’s KAPPIJA-21 and Technical Training Program’s IKA-JICA) human resources in promoting its activities.

The NGO Desk undertakes many activities such as below;

  • Provide consultations for both Indonesian and Japanese NGOs for conducting community development projects in Indonesia (in particular in collaboration with JICA)
  • Compiling Indonesian and Japanese NGO's information, publishing Newsletters and brochures

Sentral Senayan II, 14th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No.8, Senayan
Jakarta 10270
Tel: 62-21-57953015, Fax: 62-21-57953010

Referency JICA (Japan International Corporation Agency)

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